Why are testimonials important?

Why are testimonials important?

Testimonials are the comments made by previous clients or users of your products or services that contribute to the knowledge about your company from their own perspective, giving a different point of view to the visitors to your website before they become new customers.

Like you and like everyone when visiting a new website or blog, we experience certain level of skepticism that can make or break the deal, so testimonials can contribute to clarify the expectations and help the user make their own decision.

The majority of the current users may not dare to write a testimonial if they don’t see a box that can provide a quick access to where they can use their time to write their contributions, some others may need a clear invitation to participate and some others would like an incentive (which may take away the valuable of objectivity) and some others may never contribute. But is up to your organization to value the importance of having testimonials on your website to offer this important contribution.

Other advantages of testimonials:

  • Increase trust
  • Up-sale to your current customers or followers.
  • Increase important communication to your base.
  • Offer a window of opportunity to your base to offer their valuable feedback for you organization to improve.
  • Increase current customers or users’ engagement.
  • Increase time spent by users on your website and therefor more chances to learn about your products, services or propaganda.
  • Increase the potential of monetize from your website bringing advertising revenue from your website.
  • Increase the opportunities to showcase new product, services or propaganda that your current followers might have not known before.

People want to share their experiences to stay in touch with their friends and loved ones through social media, this is a great opportunity for businesses and website owners to take advantage of the social networks by encouraging their users to engage in their websites giving them space for their comments reviews and testimonials.

The cost of having testimonial box, tools and synchronization on your website is minimal compared to the benefits that they can offer.

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